Education Recourse Center

Namca has a prime piece of property in Mbale City located at 5 Park Crescent Road, Mbale. We plan to use this land to construct a modern skyscraper to house the Education Resource Center.

The ERC is proposed for an Education Resource Center for NAMCA/AIDS orphans which would include administrative offices, art and crafts gift shop, vocational training center, adult literacy room, skills development office, kitchen and dining room, storage space, multi-usable conference hall, volunteer accommodation rooms and toilets and bathrooms; Public Library and Museum; Commercial rentable office space; Healthcare facility/Clinic and External service facilities like gardens and parking spaces.  

The proposal for the Education Resource Center (ERC) by NAMCA is being repurposed to offer both charity and profit services. This option allows different investors with different objectives to provide resources for its development. This option allows NAMCA to maintain the original objective and in addition the investors get returns to their investment and is considered a more sustainable option.

In September 12, 2008 NAMCA purchased the land at 5 Park Crescent Road, Mbale, Uganda. The purpose of the land was to build the Education Resource Center (ERC). The ERC is proposed for an Education Resource Center for NAMCA/AIDS orphans which would include administrative offices, art and crafts gift shop, vocational training center, adult literacy room, skills development office, kitchen and dining room, storage space, multi-usable conference hall, volunteer accommodation rooms and toilets and bathrooms; Public Library and Museum; Commercial rentable office space; Healthcare facility/Clinic and External service facilities like gardens and parking spaces.

Since the time the plot was bought in 2008, by as of May 2021, the ERC project has not been able to get off the ground, mainly due to lack of funding and a fully committed project team with relevant expertise.


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